Software for License Management

Find the Perfect Fit: Compare our Software for License Management

Struggling to manage software licenses efficiently? Imagine a world where license activation is automated, user access is controlled, and valuable reports provide insights into license usage.

This section explores our three powerful Software for License Management solutions: License Activation Manager, License Activation Server, and License Activation API. Discover how each solution can simplify license management, boost security, and empower your business to thrive.

The table below provides a comprehensive overview of each product’s functionalities, helping you choose the right solution for your License Management Software needs.

FeatureLicense Activation ManagerLicense Activation ServerLicense Activation API
DeploymentOn-premisesOn-premises or Cloud-basedOn-premises or Cloud-based
Application TypeWindows Desktop SoftwareMicrosoft Blazor server-side ApplicationMicrosoft Blazor server-side Application
Available runtimeWindows executable installationWin-x86, Win-x64 and Linux-x64Win-x86, Win-x64 and Linux-x64
Client License Management
Serial Number Tracking
Order Management
License IssuanceIssue single user, network, web script and tokens with many options Issue single user and network licenses. Manage all aspectsIssue Web script licenses and Token Licenses as well as security tokens
Token Licensing
Customizable Activation/Removal Screens
License Validation
Online Validation (Optional)Requires License Activation API for online validation. (Built-in) (Built-in)
Online License ManagementIssue and manage licenses and users through License Activation Server for automation; alternatively, manage them from the software. (Automated, ensures only valid clients with serial numbers can register and license products)
Access Roles Control (Administrators, Managers, Users)
Multiple Database Management (Installed per database)
Application Appearance Customization
Google Captcha Integration (Optional integration)
Client Administration Panel
Management Features
CostOne time purchase SubscriptionSubscription
Our Software for license management Comparison

For a deeper dive into each solution’s capabilities, explore the detailed product descriptions provided below:

Software for License Management comparison

Learn more About
License Activation Manager

Learn more about
License Activation Server

Learn more about
License Activation API

Have more questions? Our comprehensive FAQ section might have the answer you’re looking for or for any further inquiries, please visit our Contact us page. Our team is happy to answer your questions and help you choose the right license management solution for your business.

To see screen shots of our license management software please visit out Flickr albums on this link