Ever wondered how our licensing software works?
This licensing flow chart will guide you through the typical process of acquiring a license. There are different types of licenses, and the specific steps may vary, but this flowchart will give you a general idea of what to expect. By following the flowchart, you’ll see how users interact with the system to obtain a license and unlock the desired software features. All licensing flow charts are based on our license management software “License Activation Manager“
Single User License – Licensing Flow chart
The process typically involves the generation of a license file or activation code that is specific to the user’s computer. This is if the product license is configured to lock the license generated to the computer being used.
This license file or activation code are created based on a combination of factors including a product setting, configuration options chosen by the designer, and a unique identifier for the user’s computer. All those are embedded in a configuration parameter file that is generated in the process. The license file or the activation code is then installed on the user’s computer, unlocking the software application and allowing it to run.

Network License – Licensing Flow chart
The process begins with a designer configuring the software application and specifying the license options. This information is then used to generate a configuration parameter file. The parameter file, along with a Dynamic Link Library, is then attached to the software application. An automated license activation server then encrypts and signs this information to generate a license file. The user then installs the license file in the same software startup directory on the user computer that is accessing the designated network server. This activates the license, allowing users on the network to access the software application up to the limit specified in the license file. All users on the network need to have read and write access to a network folder on the server that the license file is locked to.

Script License – Licensing Flow chart
The system creates and configures domain keys specific to the web script application. Then, the user initiates the process by requesting a license, providing a domain key and name, The name is mainly the unique identifier that is used to lock the license, this can be the domain URL that the web script is installed on for example. The application validates this information through an API call; hence it is essential to have License Activation API installed; Upon successful validation, a valid response is sent back to the user with the license file. The user is then allowed access to the web application.

Token License – Licensing Flow chart
A token, which acts as a unique identifier for the user, is first defined. This token is then used to authorize the user to access an application. The process starts with the user installing the application. The user then requests access to the application, this can either by requesting a token to access the application or using a provided token. An API call is made to authenticate this request and validate the token. If the validation is successful, the user is granted access to the application. License Activation API is required to be installed on the server to use this feature. The API can issue and validate tokens.

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